Tuesday 14 Nov 2023
Queen's Film Theatre

Dir. Hugues Hariche / 2023 / Switzerland, France / 105 mins

Seventeen-year-old Manon (Flavie Delangle) leaves the Swiss mountains determined to find her dad, who she hasn’t seen in a long time. Willful and determined, she forms new bonds along the way and encounters her first love, all the while tenacious in following the path she has set herself on the ice: to become a professional hockey player. 

Hariche’s debut coming-of-age drama highlights the turbulence of adolescence, focusing on a queer sense of placelessness in a world that is simultaneously accessible and closed off to the opportunities you desire. Rivière centres that great sense of invincibility and teenage carefreeness brilliantly, allowing it’s protagonist to push boundaries without fear of consequences.


Age suitability: 15+

Duration: 105 mins

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