Salon #9 Who Owns Queer Culture Now?

Wednesday 5th June 2024
The Good Room, Bullitt Hotel, Church Lane, Belfast

Has mainstream funding and the “equality, diversity and inclusion” agenda f*cked the revolutionary potential of  Queer Art?

#9 Outburst Salon invites you to share insights, hot takes and incendiary notions as we invite you to explore

Who Owns Queer Culture Now?

Who is calling the shots when it comes to what queer ideas and art gets funded, showcased and past the algorithmic gatekeepers?

Are institutional & corporate diversity and inclusion agendas impacting the radical potentials of queer art and culture to say what really need to be said, unfiltered?

Have we lost our way on the yellow brick road to liberation?

Salon is Outburst’s facilitated open talking space that asks big questions and explores ideas together about queer art and culture. join the conversatiomn or you can just come and listen too!

It’s free to attend and open to all but booking is essential and spaces are limited to keep it intimate and chatty.

Book now!


The event is totally relaxed and you can come and go as you need to.

If you are shy or nervous, Ruth and Caleb from Outburst are happy to say hi to welcome you when you arrive, drop us a line at up to 2pm on the day of the event.

The hotel and meeting space are fully accessible by wheelchair.

There is a gender neutral loo in the meeting space.

There is free tea, coffee and water in the space and you can buy and bring a drink up from the bar if you would like to. You can also bring your own refreshments.

The Salons usually last until about 8.30pm. Sometimes folks who come along hang out to chat for longer in the hotel lobby bar.



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