Lyónn Wolf in conversation with Sophie Lewis

Tuesday 19 November
Black Box Green Room

Household and Outburst present a special In Conversation event betwen artist Lyónn Wolf and writer Sophie Lewis, one of the most vital and exciting voices in non-fiction over the last decade.

An ex-academic and now independent scholar, Lewis is the author of Full Surrogacy Now and Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation, both of which brilliantly challenge us to reimagine possibilties of family, parenthood and community and advocate for a communisation of care. Her third book Enemy Feminisms: TERFS, Policewomen, and Girlbosses Against Liberation will be launched in early 2025.

For this live event in the Black Box Green Room, Sophie will join via Zoom and the event will also be live streamed.

Lyónn Wolf is a trans, working class, visual artist, educator & writer based in Berlin, Dublin and Belfast. Recent solo exhibitions include De Appel, Amsterdam (2022), Project Arts Centre, Dublin (2021), and Grazer Kunstverein (2020).

Sophie Lewis lives in Philadelphia and teaches short courses on critical theory online at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research. You can find her essays HERE.

Age suitability: 16+

Duration: 60 mins

In partnership with Household


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