Clinic +

Clinic+ is Outburst’s open door online “clinic” for queer artists, writers and creative workers to get support, advice or signposting to other sources of help.

We have up to 28 possible half-hour time slots available each month* where you can chat to the team and get some informal support. That can be practical information like something you’re stuck on with a funding applications or making a budget, applying for opportunities, or finding peer connections. Or it can be creative support, like feedback on a script, signposting to research materials, or trying out a new idea. If we can’t help directly, we’ll try to signpost you to someone who can.

Please note that Clinic + isn’t a pitching space for running ideas past the team for festival submissions. It’s an informal, open, non-judgemental meeting for a chat about your queer work or practice and it’s also a great way for us to build a better understanding of what queer artists and makers need so we can advocate for that in our work.

Clinic+ slots are currently available each week on Monday and Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons.

To request the booking link, please email us at, briefly introducing your practice and what you would like some support with. If we cand send a simple solution via email we may do that, otherwise we’ll send you the link to our bookings calendar for a chat and let you know if we’d like any other materials from you before we meet so we can make the best use of our session. It will automatically generate a calendar invitation and a Zoom link for us to meet.

We offer booking for one month at a time only, not all slots listed may be available by the time you book so you may need to consider flexible dates.

* Due to lower team availability duing the busy festival period of October/ November, we offer fewer slots at this time of year.